How to network with confidence - even if you are shy and introverted

I meet people every week who are starting their own business or thinking about doing so.  They are talented, passionate and experts in their field.  Many of them also hate the idea of having to talk about their business at networking meetings.  It’s surprising how many people I meet at networking groups who confess in a stage-whisper that they really don’t like networking!

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Great speaking starts with great (re) writing

For many of the people who attend my one-day and three-day speaking courses, one of the most challenging exercises, if not the most challenging exercise, is not one that involves standing up and speaking.  You see, it’s not their speaking that is the problem, it is their writing. If you struggle with preparing and delivering talks and presentations, it may well be you have started trying to write your script before you have finished the important job of thinking about what you want to say.

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What's your story?

Great marketers don’t tell you about their products, they share the brand story.  The world’s best journalists don’t simply report the facts, they find the human-interest story at the heart of the situation. And you – what’s your story? 

The stories that we tell are far more influential with our audience that any list of facts and figures. As the saying goes: facts tell, but stories sell.

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What is the difference between public speaking and presenting?

Is there actually any difference between public speaking and presenting?  

In reality there often is, with presenting seen as simply the sharing of information whereas public speaking is expected to entertain, influence and inspire its audience. But, don’t you think the world would be a better place if every business presentation also entertained, influenced and inspired everyone in the room?

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3 ways how to come up with a great personal story for your talk

Sharing personal stories is one of the key elements of speaking with courage.  When you speak with courage, then your audience will respond to your message. In order to be an effective speaker, you need to build rapport with the audience.  This means helping them to know, like and trust you. One of the most effective ways to do this is to share a personal story.  But how do you come up with a good story to share?

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